Sunday, September 15, 2019
Spheres and Stages of Discipleship
In addition will also discuss what is called the e Four Spheres of discipleship. 2 Spiritually Dead The Apostle Paul described in Ephesians 2: 15 those who were dead in their is ins and transgressions. These are people who have not accepted Christ as Savior, insist dead reject His sacrifice on the Cross. They sometimes claim to seek a God or Higher Power b UT there is no evidence of any relationship with God whatsoever. These people are what the authors call Spiritually Dead. 3 In fact the author compares these people to dead men in a casket just waiting to decompose.When speaking to the ââ¬Å"walking deadâ⬠the authors teach how to id entity the common ââ¬Å"phrase from the stageâ⬠4 in order to assess where a person is in their walk with God. These typical phrases are usually: ; I don't believe in God. ; The bible is just a myth. Putnam, Jim, Bobby Harrington, and Robert Emerson Coleman. Discipleship: Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples . (Grand Rapids, MI: Sanderson, 2013). 60. Ibid. , 77. 3 Ibid. , 61 . 4 Ibid. , 62. ; Religion is a crutch for the weak. ; Christians are intolerant and homophobic. ; There are many paths to God.Opera Winfred Olsten)5 ; don't believe in hell. Or hell is on Earth. ; My good deeds will save me from hell. ; There is no right or wrong, ââ¬Ëdo what thou will' 6 Once a person is identified as spiritually dead, this should determine how to a approach them with a spirit Of understanding without a judgmental or condemning ATT etude. Spiritual Infant The second stage is called to describe believers who are like newborn babes craving milk instead of the meat of the Word. This comes from the scrim future: ââ¬Å"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may growâ⬠¦ (1 peter 2:23 KAVA).Christians at this stage are alive yet they refuse to grow. This can include new converts a s well as long time Christians who are stagnant in their growth process with God. 7 Spiritua l infant TTS were described in the Book of Hebrews as those living on the milk of the Word who should be teaching: â⬠For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach youâ⬠¦ â⬠(Web. 5:1214 KAVA). 5 ââ¬Å"Pastor Joel Olsten Discusses Sin And The Path To God,â⬠Opera's Next Chapter, accessed February 1, 201 5, http://WV. Opera. Com/own-operas-next- heaper/Pastor-Joke-Steen-Discusses-Sin-and-the-Path-to-God 6 Crowley, Leister.The Book of the Law:(technically Called Libber AY Vela Legs Sub Figure COX as D levered by XIII . Red Wheel/wiser, 1938. 7 Putnam, Harrington, and Coleman, 63. Spiritual Child The next stage is described as the Stage which characterizes Christians who are growing in their walk with God and growing in their relationships wit h other fellow believers-8 The Apostle John referred to early followers as his children. (1 John 2:12 KAVA) Also in 1 Thessalonians 2:101 2 the apostle Paul refers to himself as a ââ¬Å"spiritual faith â⬠who had to encourage, comfort, and urge the Church of Thessalonians to live holy lives.These spiritual children have learned the church ââ¬Å"lingoâ⬠or language and are a able to function in a growing church body as believers, but they are selflessness with much of their spiritual life involving around themselves. 9 These individuals can be new con arts as well as old converts who have attended church for decades. They can be identified by the Eire ââ¬Å"phrase from the stageâ⬠which are: ; I don't know if this church meets my needs. ; The church is getting too big. ; Why do we have to learn new songs? NO One speaks to me at church. 10 The length of time a person has attended church has nothing to do with their level of growth .They need to surround themselves around mature Christians in order to go from dependency to self sufficient. 1 1 8 Putnam, Harrington, and Coleman, 65. Ibid. , 65. 10 Ibid. , 66. 11 Ibid. , 66 9 Spiritual Young Adult 1 John 2:1314 d escribes Spiritual Young Adults as Christians who have overcome the Evil One and the Word of God abides in them. 12 These individuals are striving to become more concerned about others rather than themselves. They are more students of t e Word of God and the Great Commission. They are givers instead of takers. 13 You can identify a Spiritual Young Adult by these phrases from the stage: ; In my devotionâ⬠¦ I will like to go to Uganda for a missionâ⬠¦ ; I love being a worship leader becauseâ⬠¦ ; I have three friends that I witness toâ⬠¦ These young adults need mentoring and a place to utilize their spiritual gifts. Spiritual Parent Spiritual Parents are considered spiritually mature people who make disciples and have grown strong in the Lord. These are reliable disciples who are qualified to tea chi others. 14 2 Timothy 2:12 describes them as those who have grown strong in grace that is in Christ Jesus. They can also determine where a person is in their walk with the L ord and oft en can mentor these young adults.God is a Spiritual Parent who nurtures and fights for His s virtual children as His own. 15 12 Putnam, Harrington, and Coleman, 67. Ibid. , 67. 14 Ibid. , 68. 15 Adams, Vincent. Imitating the Fatherhood of God: A Single Dad's Guide to Spiritual Parenting . S. L. : Solaris, 2012. 17 13 6 The Four Spheres of Discipleship The four spheres of discipleship describe how a disciple grows in four stages: The sphere with God and disciple, the church sphere, the sphere of family an d the world The spheres help the disciple understand the head, heart and hands of God, family y, church and the world. 6 The sphere is designed help a disciple balance family life and minister y life. It also shows them how to integrate the four spheres within the five stages of discipleship. Below will detail each sphere. Sphere One: The Centrality of Christ In the book Discipleship, by Dietrich Bondholder, the author conveys that through simple obedience does one reall y understand the meaning of being a disciple. 17 Who en referring to the dead or God's authority, true submission are evident. When dealing with the heart of the relationship between God and the disciple, there are visible changes in the pee arson's life called transformation.With the hands, the disciple ventures outside the walls of the church through evangelism. 18 Sphere Two: Relationship With The Family of God (Church) The second sphere of relationship is where we grow as Christians within the b odd of Christ. Scripture points out that we are in the family of God with brothers and sisters in Christ. 1 9 As a church family, the church works to nourish relationships among believer sometimes converted from broken families. Some Of the broken families were from the d splices' choice to follow Christ. 20 16 Ibid. , 77 Bondholder, Dietrich. Dietrich Bondholder Works . Volume 4: Discipleship. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996. ) 77. 18 Putnam, Harrington, and Coleman, 86. 19 Ibid. 20 S phere Three: Relationship At Home A third sphere is addressed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5 & 6 involves the home. Paul discusses how the husband should lead the household and love h is wife. Also how the wife should love her husband. The responsibility of the fathers and mothers in easing children and responsibility of children to respect their parents. 21 Sphere Four: Relationship With The World Finally the Apostle Paul moves toward chapter 6 of Ephesians, where he addresses a final sphere of relationships with the world.
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